5 Tips That Will Transform Your Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person

5 Tips That Will Transform Your Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person

One of the most common questions I receive is: "Why do highly sensitive individuals tend to experience heightened anxiety, and why does it often seem like this struggle is endless?" The answer lies in the fact that HSPs frequently lack a crucial element in their journey toward healing.

The most overlooked aspect of healing anxiety in HSPs is their natural attunement and connection to the universe. 

HSPs and Empaths share a spiritual connection, meaning that when HSPs neglect the care of their mind, body, and soul, and fail to maintain alignment with this connection, anxiety tends to persist.

Healing for HSPs and Empaths must be a holistic, top-down approach.  What do I mean by that?  Healing anxiety is not just a mind thing for HSPs, it is a mind-body-soul approach to healing.  

You can try all the usual methods of healing and still find yourself wrestling with anxiety. I get it, I poured all my energy into talk therapy and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), yet the anxiety kept creeping back into my life.  I'd tell myself stories about it being in my DNA, passed down through generations, but deep down, I knew that was just a story I was telling myself.  

It came down to a shift in focus. I began tapping into my connection with the universe through energy alignment, spirituality, and mindfulness. Instead of fixating solely on my mind, I started addressing my mind, body, and spirit as a whole. This holistic approach to healing acknowledges that we're not just isolated beings but part of something much bigger.

For HSPs anxiety isn't just a mental battle—it's a whole experience in our mind-body-spirit. Our heightened awareness means that even the smallest external triggers can send us spiraling. It's not just about thoughts; it's about the overwhelming flood of stimuli bombarding our senses. And let's not forget about the physical toll anxiety takes on us. It's not just a mental game; it shows up in our bodies too, whether it's tension, stomach aches, or full-blown panic attacks. Ignoring these physical signs only prolongs our struggle. 

Then there's the emotional side of things. We feel everything so deeply, and tackling anxiety with just logic and reason doesn't quite cut it. We need to delve into the depths of our emotions, acknowledging their complexity and processing them fully. 

Most HSPs are sensitive to the vibrational frequencies around them. Neglecting this aspect leaves many HSPs feeling drained and overwhelmed, increasing their anxiety. Tapping into practices that nourish your spiritual and energetic well-being will help you find balance. 

Most importantly, our minds, bodies, and spirits are all interconnected. Trying to tackle anxiety by focusing solely on the mind neglects this holistic reality. 

An approach that addresses every aspect of our being—a top-down strategy that nurtures our mind, body, and spirit equally is necessary to heal. Only then can we find true relief and healing from anxiety's grip.

Take a look at the 5 tips below that will transform your anxiety as an HSP

TIP ONE:  Spirituality

Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) are naturally tuned in to the universe, though often, they don't realize it. Despite trying various healing methods, they continually face the same challenges without seeing significant changes in their lives. You might find yourself managing anxiety to some extent, but it's not quite enough, leaving you wondering why. The thing is, when you're highly sensitive, you're deeply connected to the universe, and that means true transformation involves aligning your mind, body, and spirit in harmony.  

Spirituality can help heal anxiety by fostering a sense of connection, purpose, and inner peace. Techniques like meditation, prayer, mindfulness, surrendering, energetic vibrational alignment can calm the mind, shift your thoughts, and cultivate a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. 

By nurturing the spiritual dimension of life, you become more resilient and possess the inner strength to navigate anxiety with greater ease and clarity.

TIP TWO:  Intuition

As an HSP or Empath, you have this inherent ability to just "know" things, don't you? It's like a sixth sense kicking in. You can sense energies around you, know if someone is upset or angry even without them uttering a word, and those gut feelings, you know what I'm talking about, you definitely have those. That's your intuition working its magic! It's crucial for HSPs to hone in on this intuition, to truly listen and pay attention to its whispers. When we don't pay attention to the whispers, they will begin to scream at us through aches and pains in our bodies and things going constantly wrong in life.  Essentially, the anxiety perpetuates.  

Indulging in alcohol or drugs can muddle your intuition, you lose access to this invaluable guide when your senses are dulled by substances. So, embracing and nurturing our intuition becomes all the more essential for maintaining balance and clarity in our highly sensitive lives.  

It's absolutely crucial for HSPs to tune in to that quiet voice within, whether it's nestled in your mind or residing in your gut. When you start listening to your intuition, you'll find decision-making becomes a whole lot smoother. You're better equipped to choose what truly resonates with your life's path, ultimately helping you kick anxiety to the curb. It's all about following what feels authentically right and in sync with your inner and higher self.

TIP THREE:  Feed Your Soul

Far too often, the aspect of healing that nourishes the soul gets overlooked. Why does this happen? Because the idea of nurturing your soul can seem intangible, almost unattainable. However, feeding your soul involves tangible actions like spending time outdoors, immersing yourself in nature, grounding exercises, gratitude, physical movement, and providing your body with the right nutrients to support gut healing. It encompasses practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and aligning with your soul's purpose, values, and sources of joy.

Engaging in deep conversations, whether with others or with yourself, is vital. Additionally, embracing learning and expressing creativity through dance, art, or music is essential for healing as an HSP. Without nourishing your soul, you'll likely feel stifled, bored, or trapped. True healing requires tapping into your soul's essence and living with purpose and joy at its core.

TIP FOUR:  Energetic Alignment

Have you ever considered the vibrational frequency you emit into the universe? What are you creating in your life based on your thoughts, beliefs, and even the way you dwell on past experiences. The energy you radiate acts like a magnet, attracting corresponding energies and experiences into your reality. If you're constantly dwelling on negative thoughts or limiting beliefs, you will find yourself inadvertently inviting more of the same into your life. Conversely, by consciously cultivating positive thoughts, beliefs, and a mindset focused on growth and abundance, you can start to manifest more favorable outcomes. It's all about aligning your energy with what you truly desire, thereby influencing the trajectory of your life in profound ways.

As HSPs, it's not uncommon to wrestle with regret and sadness about our past experiences. Sometimes, we attribute our anxiety to our family history, using it as a rationale when anxiety strikes. The impact of generational trauma, past wounds, and our current life encounters can weigh heavily on our anxiety levels, as we tend to carry these burdens deep within our bodies and souls.

Fortunately, there are ways to ease this burden. Practices like meditation, hypnosis, and energy realignment, such as Reiki, can help release the pent-up energy we've been carrying and teach us the art of letting go. Forgiveness plays a pivotal role in this journey, as it allows us to release the grip of past pain and embrace a more harmonious and aligned way of living. It's through these transformative processes that we can pave the way for a more fulfilling existence.

Learning to safeguard your energy through establishing energetic boundaries is a skill often overlooked in anxiety healing. How many times have you found yourself feeling overwhelmed or even angry after a simple trip to the grocery store? It's like picking up on frequencies that don't belong to you and carrying them as your own. Until you grasp the art of energetically protecting yourself, it's like wandering around vulnerably exposed, susceptible to absorbing energies that aren't yours to carry.

TIP Five:  Finding Connection Outside of this 3D World

Alright, let's dive into this a bit. What exactly am I talking about here? To grasp spirituality, you've got to acknowledge that there's something beyond just us at play in this grand scheme of things. As HSPs or Empaths, we often find ourselves deeply attuned to the cosmic frequencies, trying to navigate through a world that seems chaotic and overwhelming. But guess what? We're not alone in this journey. We've got our ancestors, angels, archangels, and spirit guides walking alongside us, ready to lend a hand on our path to healing and growth.

There's more to this world than meets the eye. We're talking energy, signs, symbols, and those moments of coincidence that feel like pure synchronicity. Ever had a creative spark seemingly come out of nowhere? That's what we call a download, a spiritual connection gifted to us from beyond the visible realm. Ever noticed repeating numbers like 1111, 333, or even some quirky number sequence like 3489? Those are all messages from the universe.

Have you ever felt the presence of spirit animals or sensed a guiding force around you? These are all signs from the universe, nudging us from beyond the confines of our 3D reality. You see, there are multiple dimensions at play here, but most people tend to focus solely on what's right in front of them. Yet, as HSPs, we have a knack for tapping into these deeper layers more easily. Connecting on this profound level can work wonders in soothing our anxiety because, let's face it, our purpose here is to live in love, joy, and happiness. When we stray from that path, we're veering off-course from our true calling. Ultimately, whether you call it the universe, God, spirit, or simply love, it all boils down to one thing: LOVE, and it yearns for us to live in that interconnectedness.  When we make this connection outside of the 3D world, everything transforms.  Honestly, it becomes like magic!  


If you're eager to kickstart your spiritual healing journey for high-functioning anxiety as an HSP, then I've got something special just for you! I've put together a fantastic workbook featuring 5 invaluable tips along with corresponding activities to jumpstart your path to healing. Ready to dive in? Simply click the link below to grab your freebie! 


🌟 Attention all seekers of spiritual healing! 🌟

I am launching my next group coaching program in March.  

Anxiety Into Awakening

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to heal your high-functioning anxiety? Join me for an exclusive 8-week bootcamp where we'll dive deep into the realms of spirituality, intuition, energetic alignment, soul nourishment, and connecting beyond the confines of the 3D world to heal our mind-body-soul.  

But here's the catch: I'm only accepting 20 students for this life-changing experience! Secure your spot now by joining the waitlist. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be among the first to know when I open the doors to my signature program, Anxiety Into Awakening!

Register today and take the first step towards your path to inner peace and liberation. Let's transform anxiety into awakening together! ✨🌿🌌

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Ginger Ready and I am the founder of Mind-Body-Soul Coaching. I am an anxiety and mindfulness coach. I help highly sensitive women heal high-functioning anxiety. I believe we are all meant to live in joy, alignment (it’s all about balance), and have more freaking fun in life. I am on a mission to help women embrace their sensitivities and anxiety and live IMPERFECTLY YOU!

You can find me on Instagram posting lots of anxiety and HSP tips @gingeraready. You can also click on the picture above to reach my Instagram page.

Please make sure you check out the FREEBIES page, there is so much content in there for YOU for FREE!

I am grateful you are here and that also means you are on a healing journey (just like me) and that is to be celebrated!

Sending you so much love, joy, and beautiful energy into your life today and always!

I am not a therapist or a psychologist, I am a certified, professional energy coach through ICF (International Coaching Federation).