5 Tips to Overcome Overthinking as an HSP

5 Tips to Overcome Overthinking as an HSP

The Thriving Sensitive 

A Blog for Highly Sensitive Women

Overthinking as an HSP

Overthinking is a common challenge that many highly sensitive face. It becomes our brain's default mode. Our minds are wired to process everything deeply, leaving us analyzing situations from every angle so we automatically go into ruminating thoughts. Sometimes it feels like we're stuck in a loop, trying to foresee every possible outcome giving us a sense of control. It's like this endless loop of thoughts that just leaves you feeling stuck. So, how do you get unstuck? How do you stop overthinking, the ruminating thoughts?


Get The Thoughts Out of Your Head: Overthinking is like a never-ending loop that just keeps replaying in your mind, right? Holding onto those thoughts up there doesn't do you any favors. In fact, it usually just ends up making things feel even more overwhelming. Instead, stop letting the thoughts run wild in your head, get them out!

Grab a pen and paper, and jot down everything that's swirling around up there.

The act of acknowledging those thoughts and putting them down on paper can work wonders, possibly leading you to solutions. This is a solution oriented mindset versus a overwhelmed, overstimulated, overthinking mindset. By taking a moment to reflect on what's going on inside your head, you will gain some clarity on the situation.

Here's a couple of questions you can ask yourself:

  • What exactly is bothering me right now?
  • Is there anything I can do about this situation?
  • How realistic are my thoughts and concerns?
  • What's the worst that could happen, and how likely is it?
  • What is this overthinking costing me in my life right now?


Yes, you are capable of doing this—it's all about practice. Overthinking tends to lead to worrying, and worrying is like spinning your wheels in mud. It doesn't get you anywhere.

The past, it's done! And the future? Well, we're not fortune tellers, so stressing about it won't change a thing. That's why I've learned to anchor myself in the present moment. Trust me, it's been a game-changer for me.

You may not have control over what's coming down the road, but you definitely have control over how much stress and worry you allow into your life. So, what's your choice?

Whenever those overthinking thoughts start creeping in, I hit pause and remind myself: "I can't control what happens in the future, so why stress over it?" It's all about letting go (not easy to do, I get it, but totally worth your sanity!).

Now, if you're still wrestling with those persistent thoughts, try giving your mind a little nudge in a different direction. Call up a friend for a chat, take a walk, hit the gym for a sweat session, or dive into a project that sparks your interest. Heck, you could even tackle those chores you've been putting off! The key is to distract yourself, to give your mind another outlet.


Designate specific times during the day to allow yourself to worry or overthink.

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and use this time to address your concerns or anxieties. When the time is up, make a conscious effort to redirect your thoughts to more positive or productive activities.

This concept might seem unconventional, but hear me out: setting aside a specific time for worrying can actually retrain your brain and reduce overthinking. When we constantly indulge in overthinking, we reinforce certain neural pathways. However, by allocating dedicated worry time and abstaining from it outside of those moments, we're essentially forging new neural pathways. This practice can gradually diminish the tendency to overthink and promote healthier thought patterns.

So, don't underestimate the power of giving worry its own space—it might just be the key to breaking free from overthinking.


Identifying your triggers of overthinking is essential for gaining insight into the patterns that fuel the spiral. By recognizing specific situations, emotions, or thoughts that tend to set off overthinking episodes, you can understand the underlying factors contributing to this behavior. Once you've pinpointed your triggers, you can take proactive steps to minimize their impact on your mental well-being.

Start paying attention to those moments when you catch yourself overthinking. What set it off? Was it a particular situation, emotion, or thought? Get super specific about it. Write it down, toss it in your phone, or jot it in your journal—just document it somehow. This way, you're armed with awareness, which is like your secret weapon for managing overthinking and taking back control of your thoughts and emotions.

Use the questions below to help guide you in this process:

  • What triggered these thoughts or feelings?
  • How do I truly feel about this situation?
  • What are the underlying beliefs or assumptions driving my thoughts?
  • What evidence do I have for or against my thoughts?
  • How might others perceive this situation differently?
  • What are some alternative perspectives I haven't considered?
  • What's the worst-case scenario, and how likely is it to happen?
  • What's the best-case scenario, and what steps can I take to move toward it?
  • How can I practice self-compassion and kindness towards myself in this moment?
  • What actions can I take right now to address my concerns or alleviate my worries?


Be kind to yourself and recognize that overthinking is a common human experience and it’s even more amplified when you are a highly sensitive person.

Instead of criticizing yourself for overthinking, practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's okay to have these thoughts, but you don't have to let them control you.

This is your gentle reminder: if you find yourself caught up in overthinking, it's probably because it's been your way of trying to maintain control. Give yourself grace when those thoughts start racing, this has most likely become your automatic pattern. To heal automatic thought patterns, you have to realize that they do not dictate your mindset unless you allow it.

When the ruminating shows up: Acknowledge the pattern, maybe even say aloud, "Yep, here comes the overthinking," and then consciously redirect your focus to a more positive thought.

You've Got This! 

Sometimes digging into those thoughts and figuring out your triggers takes a bit of extra help, like working with a coach who can help you explore your subconscious. It's not uncommon for childhood experiences to play a big role in shaping our overthinking tendencies. This is especially true when you are a highly sensitive soul. Ruminating and overthinking has been part of your life for a long time until you choose to raise your awareness and stop letting it take over your mind and body.

If you've been spinning your wheels trying to break free from overthinking and haven't quite cracked the code, let's connect and help you find some peace of mind.

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Hello and welcome to the Thriving Sensitive Blog! 

A blog for highly sensitive women, where you'll find connection, support, and strategies to not only navigate but thrive in a world that often can feel overwhelming for HSPs.  Let's embrace our uniqueness together and cultivate resilience in the face of life's challenges.

My name is Ginger Ready and I am the founder and CEO of Mind-Body-Soul Coaching. I help highly sensitive women heal and thrive so that they can live a more aligned life with less anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout. 

I'm all about empowering women to embrace their sensitivities and live joyfully. As someone who's an HSP and Empath, I've been through the struggle of feeling out of place in this chaotic world, but I've come to see that our differences are what make us extraordinary. My sensitivities aren't a weakness; they're my superpower. I'm on a mission to support highly sensitive women like us in embracing who we are fully!

I am grateful you are here!