Break The Cycle of Repetitive Anxious Thoughts

Break The Cycle of Repetitive Anxious Thoughts

Ever wondered which habits are at the wheel of your life, steering you through your daily journey - without even knowing it?

Many people consider alcohol or drugs as the only addictions out there.


You may be addicted to habits such as worry, anxiety, overwhelm, negative self-talk, and complaining. These addictions can all be traced back to automatic and repeated behaviors that stem from your subconscious. 

You've reacted the same way for so long that you don't even realize you have subconsciously become addicted to these behaviors.

Anxious, repetitive thoughts is an addiction, whether you've meant to or not (probably not) you've taught your brain to react to situations with these type of thoughts.  

A habit is an automatic and repeated behavior that you perform without much thought. Like brushing your teeth. Do you really think about doing it, or do you just do it? I really hope you just do it!

Have you ever considered what non-beneficial habits might be holding you back from your higher self? It's time to acknowledge and own these patterns. Are you addicted to anxious thoughts, people-pleasing, or negative thoughts?

Break the cycle of repetitive thinking, and watch the magic unfold. Transformation
happens when you step out of the same mental patterns, allowing a new reality to take shape!

A helpful strategy to introduce when these thoughts come up is to use a pattern interrupt.

What is a pattern interrupt and how do you implement it?

First, you must become aware of your patterns and automatic thoughts. You are already somewhat aware when you have these thoughts because you don't feel good when you experience them. These habitual thoughts put you out of alignment with feeling good, love, and joy.  Pay attention! 

When these thoughts come up, what can you do?

Visualize a shift/visual/word/experience and redirect your mindset with a pattern interrupt and reclaim control over your habitual thoughts.

How do you Implement a Pattern Interrupt? 

Bring in a visual/word/experience/color to break the pattern!  It doesn't matter what it is but it should resonate with you and make you feel better in the habitual thinking moment.  

When those pesky habitual thoughts hit, flip the script, visualize your pattern interrupt to remind your subconscious to do something different, and then do that something different.  That something different may just be thinking a new thought, a better thought.  

Ask yourself- What visual/image/experience/color can I come up with to use as my pattern interrupt? 

If you don't know, follow these steps the next time you experience those habitual thoughts.

1. Stop what you are doing

2. Close your eyes

3. Breathe

4. Ask yourself, "what is my pattern interrupt?"

5. The first image that comes to mind is your pattern interrupt!  Don't question it, just go with it!

Once you have established your pattern interrupt, then use the following steps to truly change your repetitive thoughts. 

1. Awareness of your habitual thoughts

2. Pattern interrupt

3. Express gratitude - you can't be overwhelmed, angry, frustrated and be grateful at the same time. State your gratitude out loud!

4. Choose what you want to feel in that moment - one better thought - that's all you need!

5. Let it go.

Did you know?

Positive thoughts carry way more power than negative thoughts. Literally one positive thought can cancel out 100 negative thoughts.

So......get to working on your pattern interrupt today and soon enough those constant, anxious, repetitive thoughts will make there way out of your mind.  

And remember, this takes practice!  Give yourself grace.  You are quite literally rewiring your mind! 

Tell me how it goes, I would love to hear from you! 

If you are truly ready to heal your experience with high-functioning anxiety download my FREE workbook, Embrace Your Anxiety: 5 Tips to Live a More Balanced Life (includes a High Functioning Anxiety Quiz).  You will discover five practical tips that will guide you in releasing anxiety and how to live a more balanced life. 

Did I mention it is totally FREE??!!  Packed FULL of content!  Don't miss out - grab it today!

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Ginger Ready and I am the founder of Mind-Body-Soul Coaching. I am an anxiety and mindfulness coach. I help highly sensitive women heal high-functioning anxiety. I believe we are all meant to live in joy, alignment (it’s all about balance), and have more freaking fun in life. I am on a mission to help women embrace their sensitivities and anxiety and live IMPERFECTLY YOU!

You can find me on Instagram posting lots of anxiety and HSP tips @gingeraready

Please make sure you check out the FREEBIES page, there is so much content in there for YOU for FREE!

I am grateful you are here and that also means you are on a healing journey (just like me) and that is to be celebrated!

Sending you so much love, joy, and beautiful energy into your life today and always!

I am not a therapist or a psychologist, I am a certified, professional energy coach through ICF (International Coaching Federation).