Why are you so sensitive? Don't take things so personally. You need to toughen up. You're overreacting. Just relax and let it go. You're too emotional.
Do any of these statements and questions sound familiar? If they do, you might resonate with the traits of a Highly Sensitive Person. Understanding and embracing your sensitivity is the key to thriving as an HSP.
HSPs often feel lost, not knowing how to navigate this aspect of ourselves or explain it to others. We often default to the response: "That's just who I am, and I don't know why."
Sound familiar?
Growing up, my emotions always seemed dialed to eleven. Labeled the "sensitive one," in my family, I always experienced intense emotions and feelings. I never felt like I fit in anywhere with my big emotions and always being "more." I struggled to understand myself and felt like an outsider. Middle school, high school, even college were particularly challenging for me. I craved connection, but friendships often fizzled, and relationships left me bewildered and heartbroken. Seeking comfort, I made poor choices, drawn to partners who exploited my empathy (extreme narcissists), I always felt lonely, and I could feel the judgment from others. Hiding behind a mask felt like my only option, so that's why I did. I learned to suppress my sensitivity. Most of my life has been all about pretending to be someone I am not.
When I learned about the Highly Sensitive traits everything in my life made sense. From that point on, I promised myself to see my traits as a superpower and learn how to create boundaries and live my life aligned to being an HSP. But for non-HSPs it's hard to explain why I say no and set such strict boundaries, and why I don't watch the news, or can't fit in multiple events in a day, or why I left my corporate job when I was making great money. All of these why's and how I live my life now is because I know I am an HSP and it is my superpower.
If you are ready to understand who you are as an HSP and explain it to people who don't get it, then dive into this article to gain clarity on how your unique processing style shapes who you are, empowering you to thrive as an HSP.
The science behind our experience is fascinating! Researchers believe HSPs have a stronger central nervous system, meaning we process information more thoroughly. Imagine it like having a finely tuned radio picking up faint signals others miss. This can explain our deep empathy, rich inner lives, and sometimes feeling overwhelmed by stimulation. It's not a disorder, but a natural variation in how we're wired, and understanding this can be incredibly empowering.
Our nervous system processes stimuli more deeply than the average person. Scientifically termed, sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), this trait is thought to be present in about 15-20% of the population. It's not a disorder but rather a personality trait characterized by heightened emotional responsiveness, increased empathy, and a tendency to be more aware of subtleties in the environment. Brain imaging studies have shown that HSPs exhibit increased activity in regions associated with empathy and emotional processing. Physiologically, they may have lower thresholds for sensory input, leading to a more intense reaction to stimuli such as bright lights, loud noises, or strong odors.
Being an HSP comes with unique strengths, such as greater creativity, empathy, and attention to detail. Understanding and embracing your sensitivity is a journey, not a destination. There will be days when the world feels too loud, and that's okay. But remember, your sensitivity is a gift. It allows you to experience life in a powerful way.
Alright, fellow HSPs, let's tackle the challenge of explaining our sensitivity to those who may not understand, in a non-science or medical way. It's common for us to struggle with expressing our experiences in a way that resonates with others. I've got some practical examples to help you out. Take these examples and personalize them. Practice saying them out loud. This practice not only helps you articulate your feelings better but also eases the pressure and anxiety that often accompany such conversations. Embracing your identity as an HSP is essential for your well-being and growth. It's time to ditch the mask of trying to fit in and fully embrace who you are. So let's step into our authenticity and own our sensitivity proudly.
"I'm like a walking antenna, picking up on everything around me – emotions, sounds, lights. It's a gift, but sometimes it can be a lot to take in!
"Being highly sensitive means that I tend to feel things more intensely than others. I pick up on small details and emotions easily, which can sometimes be overwhelming."
"Being highly sensitive means that I process emotions and stimuli more deeply than others, leading to heightened awareness and responsiveness to my surroundings."
"Normal conversations can feel like crowded rooms for me. I pick up on subtle changes in tone and body language, almost like everyone's emotions are on speakerphone. It's a superpower for understanding people, but sometimes I need quiet time to recharge from all that information."
Being told you're "too sensitive" can be incredibly isolating and often seen as a flaw. Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) isn't a weakness, it's a unique way of processing information. Sensitivity is not something to be ashamed of, but rather a unique and valuable aspect of our identity.
Society often perpetuates the misconception that sensitivity equates to weakness or fragility, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sensitivity is a strength, and it allows us to connect deeply with others, to empathize, and to appreciate the nuances of life. It takes immense strength to navigate the world as a sensitive soul. We are resilient, courageous, and capable of incredible things when we harness the power of our sensitivity. By challenging this myth, we empower ourselves and others to recognize the value and beauty of sensitivity in all its forms. When you can share your unique sensitivity (take your mask off) and articulate it to others, you help educate and enlighten the world about the true essence of sensitivity. Let's reframe the narrative and celebrate sensitivity as the gift it truly is.
You are not too much of anything, you're precisely who you're meant to be in this world, Never forget that!
Now is the time for you to fully embrace who you are and acknowledge that your sensitivity is a remarkable superpower.
Reflecting on my 15 years in corporate education, I vividly recall feeling vulnerable if I showed any emotion in front of my boss. Suppressing my feelings only led to a buildup of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in my life. I found myself trapped in a perpetual state of fight or flight, many HSPs continue to live in this state. Most of my life I have been unable to envision a path to happiness or inner peace. Achieving alignment, happiness, joy, and breaking free from the grips of fight or flight may seem like a distant dream. However, life has the remarkable ability to transform quickly once you embrace your sensitivities and view them as strengths rather than weaknesses.
Embracing our sensitivity is a profound journey—one that calls for deep self-acceptance and empowerment. While self-improvement efforts often concentrate on single aspects like the mind or body, embracing our sensitivities demands a holistic approach. It requires nurturing every facet of our being, from the mind to the body to the soul, in order to truly flourish and thrive.
The journey of empowerment and self-acceptance begins with you. Here are some steps you can take today to start embracing your sensitivity:
First, establish clear boundaries to protect yourself from overwhelming stimuli and negative influences. Next, cultivate a supportive environment by surrounding yourself with understanding individuals who appreciate your authentic self. Additionally, prioritize finding healthy outlets for your intense emotions. Whether it's through creative endeavors like writing, painting, or music, connecting with nature through walks or hikes, participating in vigorous activities like HIIT workouts, or practicing mindfulness through yoga and meditation, these practices nourish our sensitive souls and equip us to thrive in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming. Discover what brings peace to your mind and make it a part of your daily routine.
Embracing our sensitivity isn't a flaw; it's a source of strength, resilience, and deep connection with both ourselves and others. You can dwell on perceived shortcomings or embrace who you truly are, crafting a life that honors and celebrates your sensitivities. Opting to build a life rooted in being an HSP transformed my world, and I hope it does the same for you.
Sending you all so much light, love, and beautiful energy!
Hello and welcome to the Soulful Sensitivity Blog. A blog for highly sensitive women, where you'll find connection, support, and strategies to navigate and thrive in a world that often can feel overwhelming for HSPs. Let's embrace our uniqueness together and cultivate resilience as a highly sensitive person!
My name is Ginger Ready and I am the founder and CEO of Mind-Body-Soul Coaching. I am a Highly Sensitive Person Coach and I help highly sensitive women embrace their true self by empowering them to thrive as a sensitive person so that they can live a more purposeful life.
I am grateful you are here and that also means you are on a healing journey (just like me) and that is to be celebrated!
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While you are here, grab this short, powerful practice to help clear negativity and recharge your energy as an HSP by simply clicking (anywhere) on the picture below.
Check out this recent post that includes five tips to help HSPs make decisions.
Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or a psychologist, I am a certified, professional energy coach through ICF (International Coaching Federation).